Transfer of Water Services Management and Operations to Water Service Boards
The Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) carried out an assessment of the implementation of Legal Notice 101 (Transfer Plan) of 12th August 2005. The assessment identified that the Transfer Agreement between Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), National Water Conservation and Pipeline Corporation (NWCPC) and Water Service Boards (WSB) in respect to management and operations of water services to WSBs needed urgent attention. First cut draft model Transfer Agreements were prepared. The MoF raised important issues relating to transfer and use of public assets, financial and budgetary matters.
The purpose of this consultancy assignment was to ensure that (a) the model Agreements were exhaustive, included all the aspects required by Legal Notice 101 and were ready for discussion with Treasury and the AG’s Chambers and (b) an outline was prepared address to the concerns raised by MoF.
The objectives of this consultancy were twofold: Firstly to finalise the draft Transfer agreements between MWI, NWCPC and WSBs in respect to matters as referenced in Legal Notice 101 to facilitate execution of these agreements during the first quarter of FY 2006/07. Secondly to address substantial issues raised by Treasury in respect to budgeting, sharing of revenue, financial controls, liabilities, etc.