Water Resource Management Framework – Multi Task Support Ground Water Development II
This assignment involved short-term technical assistance for the Kenya Water and Sanitation Programme (KWSP), within the component of Water Sector Reform (WSR). It was a continuation of the previous assignment (9 WRMA/AUG/01 – Technical Assistance Support to the Establishment of WRMA). The main focus was to support institutional development of the Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA).
The objectives of this assignment were: Establishing an efficient, continuous and reliable water resources information system for data collection, analysis and dissemination, which should be designed to respond to the actual data and information needs in relation to catchment management planning, water licensing and allocation and water resources development activities, etc.; and Building the necessary capacity within the authority to run and maintain such a water resources information system and to be able to further develop the system when as and when required.
One of the main sub-objectives was to provide initial support to the MWI in ensuring that the MWI and the new institutions developed their management information systems in a design that: respected the mandates of the individual institutions, took into account certain key principles to ensure the capability to exchange and utilise information from each other, facilitated linking where appropriate to allow common access to information and the integration of software systems, developed in a harmonised manner utilising the lessons learnt by each institution in the process of development, and resulted in a combined integrated sector information system (ISIS) with relevant links and synergies.
The ISIS functions are an essential element in the development of the sector, influencing the very nature of the institution and its ability to function effectively. Whilst the individual institutions may independently develop parts of the systems, it is essential to ensure that the entire system represents and Integrated Information System for the entire Water Sector.