
FCG’s Annual Review for the year 2022 is now available

As in previous years, we have compiled in one publication all our development consulting projects from the past year.

In 2022 we were awarded 108 new projects and worked on 181 projects in 60 different countries. Our business generated a turnover of EUR 27 million.

Our biggest new projects were in Good Governance and project design services. The biggest individual projects in year 2022 were Forestry and Value chains development programme in Tanzania and Finland’s Support to the Ukrainian School Reform. Both were financed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Other significant clients in 2022 were The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank and the European Union.

Geographically our strategic focus was in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe.

In 2023 we continue to implement our 2021–24 long-term strategy contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. We expect business to be affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine and new opportunities arising from the urgency to move towards carbon neutral economies, as well as from recently adopted global resolutions such as the Global Biodiversity Framework and the UN High Seas Treaty.

Get to know our projects from last year in our Annual Review!

Sami Kangasharju
Sami Kangasharju
Executive Vice President